
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Back to Term 2

Dear all,

It is back to term 2 and back to studying and growing as a student. I hope you have enjoyed your holidays and recharged yourselves.

Just to get you started, this upcoming SA1 would include Oral, Listening, Composition and Situational Writing. It would be a full scale paper. You have completed your second composition assessment in class. In this topic, we looked at disappointment. As built on from the first composition, I went through planning of the different sections with you and we did focus writing. For focus writing this composition, I went through how to write a model conclusion.

For the conclusion, it is important to write about the solution to the problem, state the end feelings of the characters involved and lessons to be learnt. This would make your conclusion elaborate and clear. Involve the characters in the story and give a proper ending for each of them.

Good vocabulary words to use:

-Crestfallen (sad)
-Downcast (sad)
-Elated (happy)
-Exuberant (happy)
-This incident would forever be etched in my mind. (A good sentence to end off your story)

Spelling and Dictation will resume next week onwards with spelling on Monday and Dictation on Friday. I will inform you of changes if either day falls on a public holiday.

For yesterday, we started on Unit 4 "Ride On", a topic focusing on the the MRT as one of the public transports in Singapore. We did a KWL chart (similar to what we would be using for our comprehension open-ended). In case you want to view the video again, here it is.

Mr Nelson Ong

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Post CA1 Updates

Dear all,

It has been awhile since the blog has been updated. It was your CA week and now that it is over, we are busy going through your papers. Here is some pointers and feedback from the CA paper:


  • Sections that you have done well include Booklet A of Paper 1 as a whole.
  • Most are you are able to pass your grammar. 
  • Comprehension cloze this time around was not too bad with a high number of passes.
  • Many of you are doing the pre-reading thinking :) 
  • You still need to improve on your vocabulary, synthesis and comprehension open-ended. 
  • Highlight the key words and draw the arrows for the clues. 
Grammar Focus:
  • Verb Noun Verb rules --> The second verb is always present tense, plural form (in the base form).
  • Noticed the boy take a packet of sweets
  • Person whom Person --> We use the word whom when there is a person before and after the word.
  • The famous actor whom I idolised
  • One of, Either of, Neither of, Each, Every --> Singular
  • One of the girls is waiting
  • Either of them intends to join the restaurant
  • Lie (present)
  • Lay (past)
  • Lain (perfect tense)
Synthesis Focus:
  • Despite the fact that 
  • Having verb (perfect tense)
  • Having ridden the bicycle,...................
  • Having done the work,..................
  • Neither.........nor...........
  • Either............or............
  • We always look at the second noun to determine is the verb is plural or singular.
  • Neither Jim nor the twins are
  • Either you or I am
You would have received a complimentary green pen from me for this term and a note (feedback) for you. Do let your parents take a look so you would know which section you need more focus on when you do your revision. Remember, do not give up and feel too sad about your results. You should aim to pass and do well for the next exam. If you feel that you have not put in effort for this term, now will be the time for you to start putting in the effort before it's too late. You all can do it. :) 

  • Parents Signature for CA papers 
  • Journal writing
Have a good weekend.
Mr Nelson Ong